Frames can be great. But if used incorrectly,
they can cause alot of grief to your visitors,
and can make your page look cluttered and ugly.
So please use them wisely. You have been warned! As with all HTML tags, this
has it's own, and it starts of with
- <frameset>
- Frameset
- This replaces
the <body> tag in the html file.
It has the following options:
#" | "%, %" | "#*,
*" - Rows
cols="#, #" | "%,
%" | "#*, *" - Columns
The #'s
represent pixel sizes. For example:
rows="100,*"> would give
you two frames: one being 100 pixels
tall, and the other filling in the rest.
The %'s represents the percentage
of the frame. For example:
<frameset cols="25%,
75%"> would give you two
columns: one being 25 percent of the
screen, the other being 75 percent.
The #*, * represents the first
frame being twice the size of the second.
For example
<frameset rows="2*,
*"> would give you the first
frame being twice the size of the second.
- Now for the
meat of the frames. This what defines
what's inside each frame. And it starts
- <frame>
- the Frame tag
- The frame tag
defines each frame within the frameset.
It includes the following syntax:
src="file.html"> - the
frame source
This tells the browser what to load
inside this particular frame. You can
also leave it blank, or load a picture.
name="whatever"> - the
frame name
This comes in handy if you want a link in
one frame to load something in another
frame. You van name it whatever you want.
<frame noresize> -
Makes it so whoever is viewing your page
can't change the dimensions as he views
it. Only good if you're picky, like me!
scrolling="yes"> - the
scrolling option
Allows you to define whether or not the
frame can be scrolled through or not.
Values are "yes",
"no", and "auto".
marginheight="number"> -
the margin height
Allows you to define the height of the
margin in the individual frame. Values
can be from 1 to whatever.
marginwidth="number"> -
the margin width
Allows you to define the width of the
margin in the individual frame. Values
can be from 1 to whatever.
frameborder="number"> -
the frame border
Allows you to define whether or not
there's a border between frames. Values
can be from 0 to whatever.
framespacing="number"> -
frame spacing
Allows you to define the frame spacing in
the individual frame. Values can be from
0 to whatever. These can really make a
page look like there are no frames when
there actually are. Works with Netscape
2.0+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
- What if
someone has a browser that doesn't
support frames? Then add this after all
your frame tags:
- <noframes>
- the no frames tag
- After this
tag you can put your <body>
statement like you normally would. This
is in case the user has an older browser,
they can still see the page, just without
frames. This tag has no options. Now for
the fun stuff.
- <target>
- the target value
- The target
value is what allows you to load files in
other parts of the frame. It doesn't
appear in the frames stuff. It appears in
the html file itself. Lets give an
say you want a link in #1 to load a page
in #2. In the frames set up, you did
<frameset cols="150, *">
<frame href="file1.html" name="#1">
<frame href="file2.html" name="#2">
You would
make your links in file1.html look like
<a href="file.html"
and you would have file2.html include the
following after the <body>
<base target="#2">
- The
<target> tag can also include
some of the following attributes:
- target="_self"
- this will allow the file to load in the
same frame.
target="_parent" - this
will allow the file to load in the same
target="_blank" - the
document will load in a new blank window.
target="_top" - the link
will load completely outside of the
frames without starting a new instance of
the browser.
- Whew! You
think you understand now? Well, let's see
if I do. I'm going to make a frame that
looks like the following:
- And here
would be the source for this layout:
<frameset rows="250,*">
< frame src="love.html" name="love"
noresize scrolling ="no">
<frameset cols="33%, 33%, 33%">
< frame src="plain.html" name="hope"
noresize scrolling ="no">
< frame src="plain1.html" name="joy"
noresize scrolling ="no">
< frame src="plain2.html" name="peace"
noresize scrolling ="no">
Don't trust me,
than click here and watch it in action. Or
try it with the new Netscape and Microsoft tags
to take away the frames. Make sure to
look at each individual page to see how the tags
are layed out, especially the <base
target="*"> after the <body>
tags in each of the plain.html pages.
Well, I hope this
has been helpful. Good luck, and remember to be
patient and keep trying. It took me 3 weeks to
get my first framed page to werk. Hopefully, it
won't take you as long. Good luck!
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